
Focus Guides

The Focus Guides, coupled with the FOCUS Process, offers a safe opportunity to review feelings, thoughts, actions, opinions, speech, as well as non-verbal expression. Journaling is recommended as an adjunct activity and a way to measure successes.

The Focus Guides were developed to provide an interactive and fun tool for gaining proficiency in creating change, learning the art of introspection, and experiencing character rehabilitation. Methodical use heightens one’s ability to be conscious, stay aware, and become skillful at doing the following and more:

  • Increasing communication skills
  • Facilitating behavior modifications
  • Promoting positive self-talk
  • Resolving internal conflicts
  • Improving quality of life
It is invaluable to have self-knowledge about how one uses energy, interacts with others, and experiences life. Every minute a person concentrates on excellence and development, he or she positively alters cells and creates a spiritual connection to the universe.

Focus Guides